From: Steven Smolinski Date: 04:09 on 04 May 2005 Subject: Mac OS X Tiger: "It Just Works" I thought I was immune, but I drank the Kool Aid. I entered the Reality Distortion Field. Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger" is my Saviour. Resistance is useless. So I upgraded. And everything broke. Garageband now beachballs when I use "Save As..." and I can't record a podcast anyway because JackOSX doesn't work with Tiger. And when I drag a plist file to gvim to take a look to see if I can help, gvim refuses to start. Gvim. Refuses. To. Start.[0] It gives me the sweats just thinking about it.[1] None of these things tell me they're broken. They either beachball or silently do nothing. So I open up iChat to tell a friend it won't work. He's on panther-- we get bullshit errors about "not enough bandwidth". Okay, the Internet confirms that panther <=> tiger voice chats don't work and give confusing error messages. So I skype him to tell him I can't hear in iChat. And Skype just disconnects with a "Misc Error". Even on the latest version. Even with both of us on the latest version. Oh, I love upgrading. I just fucking love it. Meanwhile my debian boxes just upgraded libc (minor upgrade) and everything works. And I only installed it once. Ever. I sigh and think I'm better off with debian/PPC. Then I remember that I couldn't even get the fucking podcast to work at all on linux because linux audio software sucks donkey balls. Then I remember I chose software development as a career *on purpose* and *while I was sober* and I just want to cry. Or smash. Or something. But I have a shiny new Dashboard. Fuckers. Steve Note 0: At least gvim works now, on the latest version. I forgot to upgrade it. My bad. Note 1: So I open up an xterm to paste in the path to the plist file and find that the shiny new X11 that apple shipped with tiger STILL DOESN'T USE CUT AND PASTE PROPERLY. It's their own system and their own X11 and they can't get X11 to fucking work?! WTF?
From: Robert G. Werner Date: 04:26 on 04 May 2005 Subject: Re: Mac OS X Tiger: "It Just Works" Steven Smolinski wrote: [snip] > Then I remember I chose software development as a career *on purpose* > and *while I was sober* and I just want to cry. Or smash. Or something. [snip] You (and all the rest of us need one of these:
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